Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

see one's friend:

To be menstruating; to be visited by the monthly flow. See menstruation for synonyms.
See Also: AFOAF, amicus, Batman and Robin, beat one's time, better fraction, better half, Billy No Mates, bosom buddy, chappie, chum, cocker, collar ad, companion, comprehensive physician, crurormia, dacryphilia, darling, fam, friend has come, homegirl, homo-lover, in the closet, ithyphallophobia, just good friends, linguistic cross-dressing, long-haired chum, luvvy, palsies, palsy-walsy, philogynist, plough, plow, pronoun reversal, rent-a-body business, roll-dog, scopophobia, scoptophobia, see-through, seeing-to, seekers, seers, smudger, tell the folks, tisket a-tasket, TLC, true confession

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